Hawk’s Nest Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
April 4, 2024
7:00 PM Via Zoom
I. Call to Order: Board member Bharat Krishnan called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Board members present: President Bharat Krishnan, VP Bethany Gehring, Secretary Laura Bagozzi, Treasurer John Aman, Communications Chair Suzanna Farver, residents Carmen Savarino, Caroline Wagner, Ron Barnes, Joyce Lee and Daniel Bai, Joyce Y, Greg and Nancy Waina, Serene joined meeting late.
II. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by B. Krishnan to approve agenda and approved by B. Gehring.
III. Approval of the Minutes: Motion by B. Krishnan to approve Minutes dated March 23, 2023 approved by J. Aman.
IV. Reports
President, Bharat Krishnan – no report
Treasurer, John Aman:
- – All 206 Hawk’s Nest homeowners paid their 2023 dues
- Final bills for 2022 Muirfield Entrance Rebuild received in 1st qtr 2023 for a total of $12,340 which were charges as capital expenditures resulting in overall net loss of $6,742.
- Landscape committee ensured we had lights at Muirfield and Brand Road entrances for the 2023 Holidays. In 2024, we will include Avery Road entrance in the PO.
- Mailbox committee replaced 23 mailboxes at a total of $10,910. Since 2017, 64 mailboxes have been replaced. We estimate 20 boxes per year to be replaced which will take seven years to complete.
- Admin. Expenses such as accounting, banking and insurance account for $7,577 which was $1,250 more than 2022.
- Social events cost $3,095, $40 less than 2022.
- Association ended 2023 with a cash balance of $47,474, a decrease of $4,334 from 2022.
- HOA had to have backflows replaced for some sprinklers. Lighting on Brand Road needs to be looked at, electricity is good which was checked in February.
- Overall utilities have gone up all across the board, including insurance.
- 2023 Budget $36,203; 2024 Budget $36,406. We expect to spend more again in 2024 dipping into our reserve which sits at around $48,000. We are liquid and solid.
- Communications, Suzanna Farver
- Directory updated last fall
- Website updated: hawksnestdublin.org
V. Old Business
- Board nominations
- We don’t have updated information from accounting firm to know about nominations, will update at next meeting.
- Landscape Updates
- Brand entrance update lighting, power washing rocks, plantings
- Mailboxes
- Will continue to replace as budget allows
VI. New Business
- Special Event [Calendar schedule]
- B. Gehring reported updated website with events and will to monitor/update as needed. S. Farver pushing neighbors to join FB page as well. Link on website.
- Dues Increase
- J. Aman said Board is working on this and Board will present at summer social in August. Need to check bylaws for percentage of homeowners needed to pass dues increase. S. Farver suggested a google doc for folks to cast vote.
- Mailboxes
- J. Aman updated earlier. $500 per mailbox. J. Aman coordinates this effort.
- Board Duties
- B. Krishnan said duties will be added website, along with committee responsibilities.
VII. Comments and Announcements
- C. Wagner brought up two questions for John and one was since we are operating in the red, should dues be increased [YES, haven’t been raised in 2014],, and second question was can we pay the dues electronically [WORKING ON IT]. Additional questions by C. Wagner, solar panels [allowed but need to bring before city and pay a fee] and footprint changes on house [shouldn’t be issue for inside house, but outside of house needs to be brought before city]. Another question is dog run proposal in park, which is owned by City
- C. Savarino commented the park will be getting updated and the city should be reaching out to neighbors for input. Wish list items would be a dog park and also electricity and solar panels to the gazebo.
- N. Waina is the city’s park ambassador for Hawk’s Nest. She reports items to the City. She should be our contact for reporting issues to the City.
- C. Savarino discussed the family picnic.
- S. Farver discussed luminaries on Christmas Eve; needs to begin process in August and confirm committee chair.
- N. Waina discussed volcano of mulch on city trees and not to do it. Dublin is losing pines and spruces and boxwoods have a disease which is slowly destroying them.
- G. Waina discussed electricity to entrance at Avery, suggested solar possibly for power. J. Aman to talk with J. Bennett [Landscape Comm].
- L. Bagozzi discussed pine trees along Avery Road which are growing into power lines. G. Waina said it was determined a while ago that homeowners are responsible for maintenance of them.
VIII. Adjournment: B. Krishnan adjourned the meeting at 8:07 PM
Next meeting date is March 4, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Meetings recorded by Secretary, Laura Bagozzi