Hawk's Nest Neighborhood Mailbox Information
Who is responsible for our neighborhood mailboxes?
The HOA is responsible for the neighborhood mailboxes. Please send an email to: Hawksnestdublin@yahoo.com to request a new mailbox or if you need stain, numbers or a flag. The HOA will try and take care of your request as soon as they are able.
The HNHA will cover & provide for replacement and maintenance due to routine wear and tear. Generally we would not expect a mailbox to need significant repair or replacement due to routine wear and tear more frequently than once every years.
Can I replace my mailbox with another type?
No. You must contact the manufacturer, Cedar Craft and ask for the Duffy style. The mailboxes in Hawk’s Nest were chosen by the developer. They are covered by our subdivision’s Code of Regulations:
Section 12.1 Mailboxes
In order to maintain the original character and appearance of Hawk’s Nest as intended and implemented by the Developer, all mailboxes, wood trim surrounding mailboxes, and mailbox posts within Hawk’s Nest shall be of uniform design and construction, and mailboxes and mailbox posts shall have uniform exterior stain. Likewise, all mailboxes shall display the street number of the home associated with its use and such numbers shall be of uniform font, color and size.
If your mailbox needs replacing or new parts you must contact the manufacturer: Cedar Craft (759-1600). Costs for replacement are the responsibility of each homeowner. Each year we contact Cedar Craft in order to get a neighborhood special price on replacement parts. You can find the current specials under the mailbox tab on our neighborhood website: www.hawksnestdublin.org
What if my mailbox was hit by a snowplow?
Please contact the City of Dublin for replacement. They will replace with the correct model.
What if I need to replace the numbers on my box?
The numbers we use on our mailboxes are not sold locally so HNHA volunteers stock them. If you have a missing or broken number please send an e-mail to hawksnestdublin@yahoo.com letting them know what numbers you need and they will be replaced at no charge to the homeowner.
What if my mailbox flag needs replacing?
These are also stocked by HNHA volunteers. If you are in need of a replacement flag, please send an e-mail to hawksnestdublin@yahoo.com letting them know and the flag will be replaced at no charge to the homeowner.
What if my mailbox needs staining?
As a courtesy to our homeowners, the mailboxes are stained every other year by the association. This is at no additional charge to the homeowners as it is part of the association’s budget. Should you need to stain your mailbox on a year the association isn’t staining please contact hawksnestdublin@yahoo.com to obtain a quart of stain. If you would like to own your very own gallon of mailbox stain you can purchase it from the Creative Paints on Post Road, asking for the Hawk’s Nest mailbox” stain.