All Board positions listed below are all volunteer positions.

PRESIDENT -HNHA’s President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, as well as Annual Meeting and any Special Meeting.

VICE PRESIDENT (VP) – HNHA’s Vice President shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent, resigns, or is removed, as well as perform other duties determined by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Vice President shall assume the office of the President upon determination by the Board of Trustees that the office of President has been vacated and shall serve for the remainder of the President’s term. The VP is responsible for all social events and making sure there is a lead/co-chair when needed to implement the event.

TREASURER – HNHA’s Treasurer shall handle all moneys and financial records of HNHA. The Treasurer shall prepare and provide a written financial report at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall be required to sign all checks drawn upon HNHA’s funds, together with another officer’s signature. The Treasurer shall make periodic financial reports to the Board of Trustees as requested. The Treasurer shall also maintain all HNHA membership records. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to prepare and make available to any members the annual financial report of HNHA upon reasonable request. The Treasurer will keep and maintain all financial records and minutes and pass records on to the next Treasurer. The Treasurer will maintain an inventory of all HNHA- owned property.

SECRETARY – HNHA’s Secretary shall keep written records of all HNHA meetings. Copies of such “Minutes” shall be made available to all HNHA members upon reasonable request. The Secretary shall deliver, without demand, copies of Minutes of all meetings to the Board members immediately upon completion. The Secretary shall also maintain all correspondence, coordinate and/or send notices of meetings, and keep all records deemed necessary on behalf of HNHA.